2024-25 Confirmation Registration

Please complete this form to register your youth for confirmation at Christ the King for the 2024-25 school year.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
​Please read Christ the King's Waiver and Release of Liability. By signing (typing) your name below, you agree to the terms listed in the document and give permission for your child to participate in CtK events. You may rescind your agreement to this waiver at any point via written communication with Christ the King.

I have read the Waiver and Release of Liability and I agree to the terms.
Media Release for 2024-2025 Youth Events

We would like to use photos and/or video of your child in our publications, on our website, and on our social media. Please sign below to show that we have your permission. You may register without offering your permission, if you wish.
Please select one option.
It's going to be a great year of confirmation!

Please watch for the weekly email that Pastor Sarah will send with updates for confirmation families. If you do not receive these emails please check your spam folder or reach out directly to Pr. Sarah.


Please complete this form to register your youth for confirmation at Christ the King for the 2024-25 school year.