CtK Foundation Grant Request Form

Please fill out this form and click submit.
NOTE: Process/ timeline information

The Foundation Board of Trustees acts on grant requests during its June and December meetings. Grants must be submitted by April 1 or Oct. 1 to be considered. Requests must be submitted using this form, or completed on a printed CtK Foundation Grant Application form submitted in person or via email, for action to be taken. All grant requests must be submitted electronically. (Visit the website for downloadable .pdf form. Foundation Grant Submission and Evaluation Process information is available there, as well.

A grant contact person or program representative may be requested to attend a Foundation meeting to present the proposal and/or respond to questions.

Grant recipients must report outcomes/progress of their goal(s) and share pictures (if available) or other results of the grant within a year of receiving the grant. (See website for Final Report form.

BE SURE TO COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS AND CLICK "SUBMIT" AT THE END OF THE FINAL SECTION TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION. Please respond to the following questions fully and completely. You may include appropriate documentation or attachments under supplementary documentation at the end of this application. Incomplete proposals will not be considered for funding.

If you successfully complete the application, you will receive a copy of your form via email confirming submission. Please contact Foundation President, Freya Hanson, at hansonfo@aol.com or 651-633-9408, with questions.
Program Implementation

Estimated budget for this program or project

Additional Information

Grant recipients must report outcomes/progress of their goal(s) and share pictures (if available) or other results of the grant within a year of receiving the grant. 


Please fill out this form and click submit.